Home > Getting Started > Create a Map, Diagram, or Flowchart > Align Objects

Align Objects

You can use this procedure to align shapes, text, or other diagram objects.

  1. Select the diagram objects. (See Select Shapes and Lines.)

  2. On the Arrange menu, point to an alignment command and choose parameters within that command. For example, you could point to Align and choose Middle to line up objects horizontally by their middle points.

The last object selected has a different highlight to show that it is the object to which other objects are aligned.

Related Topics

Create a Map, Diagram, or Flowchart

Place and Connect Shapes

Select Shapes and Lines

Add Text in Shapes

Add Text Areas

Modify Case Text

Add Notes, Links, and Indicators

Add Properties to Shapes


See Also

Arrange Objects Together

Grid Spacing, Rulers, and Guidelines

Format, Align, and Orient Text