Home > Getting Started > Create a Map, Diagram, or Flowchart

Create a Map, Diagram, or Flowchart

A map, diagram, or flowchart is a graphical representation of a process. After you create a Process or Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) diagram, you can add behaviors to make it into a model on which you can run simulation scenarios. See the Modeling and Simulation topic for more information on simulation.

A process diagram uses activities, directed connector lines, and swimlanes to represent a process. Lines entering activities are inputs to the activities, and lines exiting activities are outputs from the activities. By default, a generator start point is indicated in the Start activity.

In the following topics, each basic step provides a procedure for creating a diagram from a Process, BPMN, Lean Value Stream Map, Layout, or Basic diagram type in iGrafx. To get started, see How to Open and Create Files.

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