Home > Process Behavior Procedures and Reference

Process Behavior Procedures and Reference


Options in the Properties dialog box define process behavior. Please see the Related Topics below for reference information on process behavior specified by shape behavior, diagram properties, scenario information, and how to find where this information is used within a simulation model.

Note: To display the Properties dialog box, you can right-click an object (e.g. shape) and choose Properties to display its properties. The instructions in this section assume the Properties dialog box is not yet displayed. If the Properties dialog box is already displayed, or displayed and docked, then simply clicking on (selecting) an object such as a shape, component in the Document Components window, or item in the repository will display its properties. You may use the forward and back buttons on the Properties dialog box to traverse objects and pages you have previously displayed Properties for during your editing session.

Related Topics

Start Points

Input Collections

Activity Resource Requirements

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RACI and Supported By

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Process Behavior Reference

Where Used