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Define Tasks

Duration applies to activities of type Work or Delay.

You can create a new process using the Properties dialog box or using iGrafx Explorer. See Manage Process Diagrams.



Specify a duration

  1. Double-click an activity and click the Task page in the Properties dialog box.

  2. Click the Step tab and select Work or Delay.

  3. Select Constant, Distributed, or Expression in the Duration list.

  4. For a repetition of tasks, select the Repeat check box and click the Specify button to specify how the task repeats in the Repeat Details dialog box.

Add hierarchy or concurrence to a task

Use this procedure to call a subprocess, concurrent process, or private subprocess.

  1. Double-click any shape and click the Task page in the Properties dialog box.

  2. Select Process in the drop-down list, then select Subprocess, Concurrent Process, or Private Subprocess in the adjacent list.

  3. Select or enter a process name, then choose a start point.

Related Topics

Task Cost

Transactions Handling On Completion of Task


See Also

Example: Message Exchange Between Two Activities

Task page: Define the type of task the activity performs


Overview Topics

About Start Points