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Task Cost

The cost for a task consists of its fixed cost and value class.

Fixed cost is the cost associated with an activity for each transaction it processes. The default for fixed cost is 0.

Value class cost information is sorted into a VA, BVA, or NVA Value Class at simulation. You can mark a resource used at an activity by Value Class.



Set a fixed cost and value class

  1. Double-click the activity shape in your diagram and click Task on the Properties dialog box.

  2. Enter a cost that is accrued each time a transaction is processed by the activity under Activity Base. The default is 0.

  3. Choose a value class in the Value list and click OK.

Set value class display

  1. On the View menu, choose Value Class.

  2. In the View Value Classifications dialog box, select classifications you want to display with a shape fill color in the diagram, and set corresponding colors for them.

Clicking the Reset button changes colors back to iGrafx defaults.

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