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Manage Process Diagrams

Try these procedures on a sample file or on some of your own creations.

If the Document Component window is not visible, on the File menu, choose Components.



Create a subprocess

There are several ways to create a subprocess:

Context (pop-up) Menu:

  1. Right-click on a shape and choose Add Subprocess.

  2. Name the process.

  3. Decide whether to use the current diagram settings as a template, or uncheck the option and choose a template.

  4. Click OK; the new diagram is displayed.


Use the Properties dialog box:

  1. Right-click the parent shape and choose Properties.

  2. In the Properties dialog box, select the Guide page.

  3. From the Activity Type drop-down list, choose Subprocess.

  4. Click the New Process button and name a new component or choose one from the drop-down list. If you create a new component, give it a name and optionally indicate a template to use.

  5. Click OK on all open dialogs.


Drag-drop existing shapes onto another existing shape:

  1. Select one or more shapes.

  2. Place your cursor over the stippled gray border and hold your mouse button.

  3. Drag on top of the middle of another shape.

  4. Release the mouse button.

  5. Click Yes to move the shapes to a new diagram.

  6. Name the process.

  7. Decide whether to use the current diagram as a template, or uncheck the option and choose a template.

  8. Click OK; the new diagram is displayed.

Display a subprocess

Right-click the shape and choose the process name on the context menu.

Note: You may also be able to press the Modifier key (e.g. Shift), and double-click a subprocess shape, or simply double-click, depending on how the subprocess link was made.

Rename a process

  1. In the Document Components window, right-click the process to be renamed, and choose Rename on the context menu.

  2. Type a new name, and press the Enter key.

Copy a process within a document

  1. In the Document Components window, right-click the process to be copied and click Copy. The process is copied to the clipboard.

  2. In the Document Components window, right-click where you want to add the component and choose Paste. The copied process appears in the Process list with a new name, such as Process2.

Copy a process between documents

  1. In the Document Components window, right-click the process to be copied and choose Copy. The process is copied to the clipboard.

  2. On the File menu, point to Open and choose another iGrafx document.

  3. In the Document Components window, right-click the component area and choose Paste. The copied process appears in the Process list. If the copied process has the same name as an existing process in the file, iGrafx renames the new process.

Delete a process

In the Document Components window, right-click the process you want to delete, and click Delete.

Related Topics

The iGrafx Editor

How to Open and Create Files