Home > Process Modeling and Simulation Concepts > Expressions > Expression Builder

Expression Builder

The Expression Builder in iGrafx helps you create syntactically correct expressions. It appears when you click the expressionbuildericon.bmp button, which appears throughout the application.


You can type an expression directly into the expression line, or use a paste button to paste elements (operands or operators) into an expression.

Turn on ToolTips (on the View menu, choose Tooltips) to see a description when you move the cursor over each paste button. The paste buttons are:




Paste Attribute. See the Attributes topic for conceptual information on attributes.


Paste Function. See the Functions topic for conceptual information on functions.


Paste Resource path. For example, <Person-A> is a resource path. See the Resource Functions topic for functions that can use resource paths.


Paste Member. Generally True/False or Yes/No. You can create your own types (list of members); see Define Types dialog box.


Paste Operator. See Expression Operators for operators that may be used.


Related Topics

Expressions (Concepts)


See Also

Expressions (Procedures)