Home > Process Behavior Procedures and Reference > Attributes


An attribute is a variable used to communicate information and manage the flow of transactions through a process. Attributes values can be assigned or changed at various points as a transaction is processed at an activity.



Define an attribute

  1. On the Model toolbar, click the model_attributes00014.bmptool or, on the Model menu, choose Attributes.

  2. In the resulting Define Attributes dialog box, click the Add button.

  3. In the Add New Attribute dialog box, define the attribute location, name, type, and, if required, initialization value.

Modify an attribute

  1. On the Model menu, choose Attributes.

  2. In the Define Attributes dialog box, click an attribute name in the Existing Attributes list, then click the Modify button.

  3. In the resulting Modify Attributes dialog box, change the attribute’s name, type, or initialization value, or add another initialization for a different swimlane or process.

Delete an attribute

  1. On the Model menu, choose Attributes.

  2. In the Define Attributes dialog box, click an attribute name in the Existing Attributes list, then click the Delete button.

Assign attribute values at an activity

  1. Double-click an activity shape and click the Attributes page in the Shape Properties dialog box.

  2. Click the Add button, and then choose when the attribute is set, such as Enter or Exit.

  3. Make sure the check box in the Active column is selected, to enable attribute assignment.

  4. In the Location column, select a location name.

  5. In the Name column, select an attribute name.

  6. In the Value column, enter or select the attribute value.

Delete an attribute from an activity

  1. Double-click an activity shape and click the Attributes page in the Shape Properties dialog box.

  2. Click the row containing the attribute you want to delete and click the Delete button.

Create a transaction attribute with duration value

For example, suppose you have a variable duration on an activity (Between (5,15) minutes). Also, suppose you want to save in a transaction attribute whether this activity takes more than 10 minutes to process a particular transaction, because later you might make some decision based on this fact. You can set this separate transaction attribute equal to Duration, but only at the Post Task or Exit points. Prior to that Duration has the value of 0.

  1. Define a transaction attribute named processtime.

  2. Double-click the activity shape.

  3. In the Attributes page on the Shape Properties dialog box, click the Add button, and select Exit.

  4. Set the Name value to processtime.

  5. In the Value column, select <build expression> and paste the Duration attribute into the Expression Builder.

Define an attribute type

  1. On the Model menu, choose Types.

  2. In the resulting Define Types dialog box, define the attribute type name, type, and define its list of members.

  3. Click the OK button.

Modify an attribute type

  1. On the Model menu, choose Types.

  2. In the Define Types dialog box, click an existing type name and modify the attribute’s member list.

  3. Click the Modify button.

To rename an attribute, you must first delete the attribute and then add it with a different name.

Delete an attribute type

  1. On the Model menu, choose Types.

  2. In the Define Types dialog box, click an existing type name , then click the Delete button.

Related Topics

Process Behavior Procedures and Reference

Overview Topics


Attribute and Function Types

See Also

Attributes page: Access to Transaction (local) and Scenario (global) location attributes