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Attribute and Function Types

A type is a range of values used for attributes and functions. The type of an attribute specifies the valid range of values for an attribute. The type of a function specifies the valid range of input or output values for the function. You may specify the type as decision case text, as the type of values an attribute may contain, or as the value accepted or returned by a function.

In iGrafx, attribute values can be of type numeric or string, but they are initially numeric with a default value of zero. Attributes are dynamically typed, meaning that the type of an attribute can change at run time based on the type of the last operand assigned to it.

Set of Members

You can create your own custom types as a Set of Members. A Set of Members may have a value that is one of the members of a defined set. For example, the YesNo and TrueFalse attributes types are both a Set of Members type with two members each.

A Set of Members type may contain unlimited members, but member names cannot begin with a number or include a space or hyphen. Member names may not be used in two different sets, and members may not have the same name as any transaction attribute.

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