Home > Process Behavior Procedures and Reference > Input Collections

Input Collections

Input collections specify the method of collecting transactions at the input to an activity. Transactions do not enter an activity until the conditions of the input collection are met.

To start each of the following procedures, double-click a shape and click the Inputs page on the Properties dialog box, then select the Collect Transactions at Input check box.



Create a batch collection

In the Input Collection list, click Batch, then click a collection method.

For more information on this collection type, see Collection Options.

Join inputs

In the Input Collection list, click Join, then click a collection method.

For more information on this collection type, see Collection Options.

Gate inputs

In the Input Collection list, click Gate, then click a collection method.

For more information on this collection type, see Collection Options.

Group inputs

  1. If you want to use a group name, first follow the procedure for adding a transaction group.

  2. In the Input Collection list, click Group, then click a collection method.

  3. If you want to create a group collection, In the Create Group list, click a group name.

For more information on this collection type, see Collection Options.

Add or delete a transaction group

Creates or deletes a specific group name for collecting a set of transactions. Create a group collection to use a group name.

  1. On the Model menu, choose Transaction Groups.

  2. In the Define Transaction Groups dialog box:

  • Type a name and click the Add button to create a group name.

  • Select a name and click the Delete button to delete a group name.

Transactions enter the activity individually and are marked with the group name as they leave the activity

Set queuing rules

  1. Double-click a shape and click the Inputs page in the Properties dialog box.

  2. Choosing a queuing rule and wait time under Queuing Rules to specify the order in which transactions leave the queue and how to account for the time a transaction spends in a queue.

See Collection Types and Other Information in the Properties dialog box - Inputs page help topic for more information.

Related Topics

Process Behavior Procedures and Reference


Overview Topics

Input Collections

Batch Inputs

Join Inputs

Gate Inputs

Group Inputs

Transactions Queued at Activities

See Also

Inputs Page: Define how transactions are collected