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Transactions Queued at Activities

Transactions collect at an activity in a queue and wait due to any combination of the following conditions:

When transactions wait due to input collections, limited capacity, or available output, they arrange in the queuing rule order specified on the Inputs page of the Properties dialog box.

When transactions wait due to resource availability, they arrange in the queuing method order specified in the swimlane the resource is allocated to in the Define Resources dialog box - Allocations tab.

Queuing Rules and Queuing Methods

Specify queuing rules for input collections of transactions at an activity in the Properties dialog box - Inputs page. For resources, specify the queuing method in the Define Resources dialog box - Allocations tab with allocations shown.

The table below shows some examples of queuing rules and queuing methods and their purpose.



First in, first out

Cars stop at a traffic light. The first car to arrive is the first to proceed through the light.

Last in, first out

The last person to enter a crowded elevator is the first one to leave.

Minimum of attribute

A printer uses an attribute called NumberPages to check documents and print the document with the lowest number of pages first. A document with a NumberPages value of 3 prints before a document with a NumberPages value of 10.

Maximum of attribute

Using the example for Minimum of attribute, above, the document with a NumberPages value of 10 prints first.

Priority and preemption also affect queuing order of transactions at an activity.

The time an activity spends waiting in an input queue is collected as part of the process statistics. You can assign this waiting time as Blocked or Inactive. These times are tracked separately. Blocked time is counted as part of the Transaction Time statistic.

Related Topics

Input Collections

See Also

Input Collections (Procedure Reference)