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BPMN Flows, Processes, and Behaviors



Create a Collapsed Subprocess

Collapsed subprocesses are reusable processes (diagrams), sharable with other processes. You can model exception flows from a collapsed subprocess; see below on modeling exception flow.

There are several ways to create a Collapsed Subprocess, all similar to the Manage Process Diagrams topic on how to create a subprocess. Please refer to that topic; a summary is shown below, with differences noted for BPMN diagrams:

  • Use the context (pop-up) menu: Right-click on an Activity shape and choose Add Subprocess, make choices in the New Component dialog box, and click OK; the new diagram is displayed.

  • Use the Properties dialog box:

  1. Right-click and choose Properties on an Activity shape.

  2. Select the BPMN Guide page and select Collapsed subprocess from the Activity Type drop-down list. Make other selections on the BPMN page (such as Exception Flow, Loop Type, etcetera) as needed.

  3. Click the Details button, to jump to the Task page, Step tab.

  4. Choose a diagram name from the drop-down, or click the New Process button, fill in the New Component dialog box as needed, and click OK.

  5. Click OK or Apply to save your changes to the Properties dialog box.

  • Use drag-drop: Select one or more shapes, drag them on top of (the middle of) another shape, answer Yes to the prompt, fill in the New Component dialog box, and click OK; the new diagram is displayed.

Create an Embedded Subprocess

  1. Double-click (or right-click and choose Properties) on an activity shape. The Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Select the BPMN page and select Embedded subprocess from the Activity Type drop-down list.
    Select the Task page, Step tab in the Properties dialog box, choose Process, and from the subprocess type drop-down list, choose Embedded.

  3. Make other selections (such as Exception Flow, Loop Type, etcetera) as needed.

  4. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.

  5. In the diagram, expand the activity by stretching its border and create the subprocess inside the activity shape.

Embedded subprocesses are not reusable or sharable with other diagrams. You can model exception flows from an embedded subprocess; see below on modeling exception flow.

Create an Event Subprocess

  1. Double-click (or right-click and choose Properties) on an activity shape. The Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Select the BPMN page and select Event Subprocess from the Activity Type drop-down list.
    Select the Task page, Step tab in the Properties dialog box, choose Process, and from the subprocess type drop-down list, choose Event Subprocess.

  3. Choose the type of Event to start the Event Subprocess; e.g. Timer.

  4. Check Non-interrupting if this subprocess will not interrupt flow when triggered.

  5. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.

  6. Optional: In the diagram, expand the activity border and create the subprocess inside the Event Subprocess activity shape.

Event subprocesses are not sharable with other diagrams. You cannot model exception flows from an embedded subprocess, as they are designed to handle exception flow.

Create exception flow

  1. Double-click (or right-click and choose Properties) on an activity shape. The Properties dialog box appears.

  2. Select the BPMN page

  3. Check the “Exception Flow” option, and choose a type of boundary event to catch the exception; e.g. Timer.

  4. If you want non-interrupting flow that creates a parallel path of execution, check the “Non-interrupting” option.

If you want more than one exception case, click the Details button and choose Exceptions, or click the Outputs page on the Properties dialog box and click the Exceptions tab, and then click Add to add more Exceptions. When you are done, click OK to save your changes.

You may now draw exception sequence flow or compensation association lines from the activity or subprocess. See the next table entry, below, for procedures.

Designate a connector line as an exception flow or compensation association

When you create an exception on an activity, it is not shown until you connect a connection line out of the activity for that exception. Each line you draw from the activity automatically uses the next unconnected exception or decision case until all are used, and each exception case is automatically labeled with its name.

You can choose whether a line drawn is an exception instead of normal flow in these ways:

  • When you are drawing the line, you can press the space bar to cycle through all the exceptions and normal flow on an activity. Decision cases are normal flow, so if you have both exceptions and decisions, the space bar cycles between all of them.

  • After the line has been drawn, you can right-click on the line and select among the available exceptions (and decision cases, if any) on the activity. You may also choose <none> if you do not want an exception on the line.

Model Gateway fork and merge behavior

In the Shape Palettes window, click a Gateway shape and place it in the diagram to choose the appropriate fork and merge actions. You can also specify merge behavior in gateways in the BPMN page of the Properties dialog box.

Please see BPMN Gateways Reference for more information on Gateway types.

Create an Event (other than Link)

In the Shape Palettes window, click an Event shape and place it in the diagram to choose the appropriate action. You can also specify event behavior in the BPMN page of the Properties dialog box.

Please see BPMN Event Types Reference for more information on Event types.

Create a Link event

Please see Off-Page Connectors for more information.

Related Topics

BPMN Event Types Reference

BPMN Activities Reference

BPMN Gateways Reference

Connector Lines in BPMN Diagrams Reference

BPMN Terminology Reference


Overview Topics

About BPMN

BPMN and Process Modeling

BPMN Diagrams vs. Process Diagrams

BPMN Properties

Exception Flows