Home > BPMN Concepts > BPMN Diagrams vs. Process Diagrams

BPMN Diagrams vs. Process Diagrams

iGrafx offers BPMN standard graphics for modeling behaviors in a BPMN diagram. The BPMN behaviors, including messaging and exception flow, are available in process diagrams as well.

In iGrafx process diagrams, all shapes are activities. An activity can have elements of flow control and synchronization, and it can acquire resources and do work. Process diagrams are free-form connected graphics. You can adopt any diagramming convention you choose, supported by powerful graphical program features.

BPMN restricts what behavior is allowed at a given object in the diagram, and uses the appearance of the object to reflect that restricted behavior. iGrafx reinforces BPMN diagramming conventions and restrictions to help you more quickly create a correct-by-construction BPMN diagram, and warns you of violations as explained in BPMN Modeling Errors.

Both Process and BPMN diagrams have exactly the same modeling features. However, the following diagramming behaviors are different in the BPMN template to support BPMN compliance:

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