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BPMN Modeling Errors

The iGrafx correct by construction feature helps you prevent modeling violations of BPMN specifications published by BPMI.org by enforcing diagramming rules. On the View menu, choose Real-Time Checking to enable BPMN model checking, or disable it to deviate from the standard without receiving real-time warnings. We recommend you enable real-time checking.

Correct by construction rules show you real-time errors as you place shapes in a diagram. For example, start events cannot have incoming sequence flow. If you route a line into, but not out of, an event, correct by construction redraws the event with a heavy border indicating that it is an end event. If incorrect conditions cannot be automatically corrected, they are represented with shading inside of the shape and a warning or error message appears when you place the cursor over the shape that causes the problem.



Another option for checking errors is static check, accessed through the Check command on the Model menu. For more information, see Create a BPMN Diagram.

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