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Create a BPMN Diagram

iGrafx BPMN diagrams

Diagram compliance with the BPMN standard is supported with correct by construction warnings and errors.

You may view a sample BPMN diagram, called BPMN.igx, on the iGrafx website.



Convert a Process diagram to a BPMN diagram

On the Tools menu, point to Change Diagram Type and choose BPMN Diagram. You cannot undo this command after you click Yes.

Add shapes and flows

See Place and Connect Shapes.

Event shapes change to start, intermediate, or end, depending on where they are placed in the flow, to maintain compliance with the BPMN specification. Some events, called intermediate or border events, are attached to activity boundaries when you model output exceptions.

Connecting shapes with connector lines

Use the:

  • Sequence flow line BPMNsequenceflow.bmp to define the flow of transactions through the model.

  • Message flow line BPMNmessageflow.bmp to send information, not transactions, between pools. This line style appears automatically when you draw a line between pools.

  • Association line BPMNassoc.bmp for annotation and compensation flow, which is not part of the sequence flow. This line style appears automatically when you attach an artifact (a graphic object) to a shape.

The default sequence flow line defaultflow.bmp indicates the default path when conditions exist on the flow out of an activity or gateway.

Run the BPMN checker

  1. On the Model menu, choose Check.

  2. In the Check dialog box, select the scope of errors to be checked. All error messages appear in the Output Window at the bottom of the iGrafx window.

  3. Double-click an error message to highlight the source of the error in the diagram.

See Also

BPMN Diagrams Procedures and Reference