Home > Process Behavior Procedures and Reference > Activity Resource Requirements > Acquire Activity Resources

Acquire Activity Resources

You can acquire multiple resources for an activity and specify that the activity will acquire and use only one of them, all of them, or some combination of resources. Create an acquisition group to specify complex resource acquisitions (see Create, Modify, or Delete an Acquisition Group).

  1. Double-click a shape and click the Properties dialog box - Resources page.

  2. Choose a task below and follow the procedure.



Acquire a resource at an activity

  1. Use the Default Resource Type assignment or choose another resource type assignment from the Type drop-down list.

  2. From the Action drop-down list, choose Activity.

  3. At minimum, specify resource count needed per transaction. If desired, click the resourcesexpandviewbutton.bmp button to see more options.

Remove a resource from an activity

Click anywhere in the resource assignment data you want to remove and click the Delete button.

Choose how more than one resource is Acquired

If more than one resource assignment is visible, click the Any One option to get only one (any one) of the resources listed. Click the All option to acquire all resources listed.

Acquire resources from another organization

  1. Click the resourcesexpandviewbutton00006.bmp button.

  2. Expand the From drop-down list and choose Specific Organization.

  3. In the Choose Organization dialog box, select an organization and click OK.

Acquire a specific resource

  1. Click the resourcesexpandviewbutton00007.bmp button.

  2. Expand the From drop-down list and choose Specific Resource.

  3. In the Choose Resource dialog box, select a resource type, resource, or folder and click OK.

Assign Specific Resources From Multiple Organizations

This is functionality to assign more than one resource from other organizations.

Create an activity that spans swimlanes, and exclude those swimlanes from which you do not want to acquire resources. For more information, see Activities Spanning Swimlanes.

Related Topics

Activity Resource Requirements

Overview Topics

Resource Allocation and Acquisition