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Activities Spanning Swimlanes

Activities that span across more than one swimlane are called cross-swimlane activities. You cannot map cross-swimlane activities across top-level floating swimlanes.



Place a cross-swimlane activity

  1. Select the shape you would like to span across multiple swimlanes and hold down the Ctrl key.

  2. Place the cursor over one of the four grow handles on the activity and click the left mouse button. The cursor changes to a cross-swimlane cursor.

  3. crossdepts_cursor.bmp 

  4. Drag the handle across all of the swimlanes that participate in the activity.

  5. Release the mouse button and then the Ctrl key.

Exclude a swimlane from a cross-swimlane activity

  1. Double-click the cross-swimlane activity.

  2. In the Properties dialog box, click the Task page, and then click the Exclude Swimlane button and set swimlanes to be excluded.

A dotted shape outline in the diagram indicates the shape is excluded from a swimlane.

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Shapes and Lines Procedures