Home > Properties dialog box - Resources page

Properties dialog box - Resources page

Right-click on a shape and choose Properties. Or, with the shape selected, on the Edit menu, choose Properties to open the Properties dialog box. You can also usually double-click the shape.

The Resources page lists resources that the activity uses.

The default view of resources is a simplified view. Click the resourcesexpandviewbutton.bmp button to expand the view of resources.

No Resources Specified

When you delete all resources, this page says “No resources specified.” This means that no resources have been explicitly acquired or released at this activity. However, if a resource was acquired at an earlier activity by the transaction passing through that activity and the resource is not yet released, the transaction will implicitly request the previously acquired resource.


Lists all resource types defined for the current scenario in this document.

Default – Automatically chooses the appropriate resource type for a swimlane. See Default Resource Type.

Person – Acquires a resource of type Person.

Other – Breaks out cost independently from other resources. Use Other if you do not want to model a specific resource but want to track a resource cost. Also, if an activity crosses more than one swimlane, use Other to further break out the costs by swimlane.

Acquisition Group – Provides selection of a custom acquisition group (see Create, Modify, or Delete an Acquisition Group).

Click the model_resources.bmp button to define a resource type in the Define Resources dialog box.

Click the acquisitiongroupsicon.bmp button to define an acquisition group in the Acquisition Groups dialog box.


Specifies the number of resources of this type required at this activity for each transaction processed.


Activity – The activity uses the resource for the task duration every time a transaction enters the activity, then releases the resource after the task duration for use by other activities.

Acquire – The resource is used every time a transaction enters the activity and remains acquired until the transaction:

Release – A resource that was previously acquired and used is released after the task duration of this activity.


The following options are shown in the expanded view. You may need to click the resourcesexpandviewbutton00017.bmp button to expand the view of resources.



This Swimlane – Uses the resource type allocated to the organization that represents the swimlane that contains the activity.

Specific Organization – Specifies the organization from which to acquire a resource. Click the expressionbuildericon00018.bmp button to choose an organization.

Specific Resource – Specifies a particular resource to acquire. Click the expressionbuildericon00019.bmp button to choose a resource type, resource, or folder.

Each Swimlane – For cross-swimlane shapes only. Acquires the specified 'Count' of resource(s) specified from each of (all of) the swimlanes that the shape crosses, and that are not 'excluded' from the activity.


Limits acquisition to those resources where the constraint expression is true. For example, you want to acquire resources from the swimlane with a minimum skill level of 5 as indicated by a Resource attribute, and have an expression like R.Skill >= 5. Note that the constraint expression is ignored for resources that are ‘unlimited’.

Value Add

Same As Task – Specifies that the cost category is inherited from the task data defined in the Properties dialog box - Task page - Step tab.

VA – Value Added; the resource contributes to the creation or delivery of a product or service.

BVA – Business Value Added; the resource is useful to the business but does not contribute directly to the product or service.

NVA – No value added.


See Resource Wait Option.


See Resource Behavior Rules.

All or Any One option

Available when you have more than oneresource specified (e.g. by clicking the Add button to add a resource requirement). The options are:

If you want complex AND/OR behavior, use Acquisition Groups.