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Resource Behavior Rules

You set Affinity in the Shape Properties dialog box - Resources page, in the view that shows more details. Affinity defines the behavior of a resource that a transaction needs to acquire for a task.

Resource Affinity



Can be exchanged with another resource when the resource becomes unavailable. A resource becomes unavailable if it is out of schedule or preempted. The transaction takes any resource of the same type that is allocated to the same resource and is available. For information on setting allocation of resources, see Allocate Resources.

If no other resources of this type are available for exchange, the resource is used for up to its set maximum overtime, then exchanged for another resource with available overtime. This continues until there are no other resources of the same type with available overtime.


Not exchangeable. The resource is used until it reaches maximum overtime, then the transaction waits until the dedicated resource is available to finish the activity.

A resource acquired from an unlimited resource pool cannot be used as a dedicated resource.


Behaves like a dedicated resource, except that if an activity uses a resource in a swimlane, all other subsequent activities in the swimlane that the transaction goes through that have an Affinity of Swimlane use the same resource.

This resource is not exchanged with another resource when it is not available. The transaction waits until the originally-acquired, swimlane-dedicated resource is available.

Overtime Dedicated

Behaves like Changeable when the resource is not in overtime.

Behaves like Dedicated when the resource is in overtime.

Out of Service

Accumulates time specifically as out of service so you can track when resources are out of service. For example, you may mark a specific equipment resource as Out of Service in an activity that performs maintenance or unscheduled downtime.