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Allocate Resources

When you allocate a resource to another resource, you make it available to activities in swimlanes representing the resource. When you create a list of allocated resources, there is a Default resource and it is the first resource requested if the activity requests the Default resource.

  1. On the Model toolbar, click the model_resources00005.bmp tool or, on the Model menu, choose Resources.

  2. The Define Resources dialog box appears.

  3. Choose a task below and follow the procedure.



Allocate a resource to a resource

  1. Click to select a resource in the list on the left. Click the Allocations tab, if necessary, then click the Allocate button.

  2. In the resulting Allocate dialog box, select a resource, then click OK. (Hold the Shift or Ctrl key to multi-select objects.)

For more on allocation views, see the procedure in Resource Views.

Share a resource between resources

  1. In the resource list on the left, select the resource you want two or more resources to share.

  2. In the Allocated To tab, click the Allocate To button.

  3. In the resulting Allocate To dialog box, select the resources you want to share the resource in the To list, then click OK.

Hold the Shift or Ctrl key to multi-select objects.

Add, remove, or reorder resource allocations for an organization

  1. In the resource list on the left, click to select a resource.

  2. In the Direct subtab of the Allocations tab,

  • Click a resource in the From list on the lower right, then click the Remove button, or

  • Click the Allocate button to add more resources to the resource, or

  • Use the up and down arrows under the From list to change the default order in which resources are acquired by activities.

Set order in which resources are acquired and transactions are queued

  1. In the resource list on the left, select a resource.

  2. In the Direct subtab of the Allocations tab, select values in the Queuing Method and Acquire Rule drop-down lists.

For more information, see the Allocations tab and Allocated To tab sections of the Define Resources dialog box topic.

Related Topics

Activity Resource Requirements

Overview Topics

Resource Allocation and Acquisition

Use of Resources