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Resource Views

When you work with a resource model, you can view resources in a hierarchy of resource types and add folders to further classify and manage resources. You can also view resource allocation by organization, and jump from a resource to its position in the hierarchy.

An object added to the resources list in the Define Resources dialog box appears with an organization_icon.bmp icon, indicating that it is an organization with no swimlane affiliation. If an organization is represented by a swimlane in the diagram, it appears in the resources list with an local.bmp icon.

  1. On the Model toolbar, click the model_resources00001.bmp tool or, on the Model menu, choose Resources.

  2. The Define Resources dialog box appears.

  3. Choose a task below and follow the corresponding procedure.



Create hierarchy in a list of resources

  1. Click to select the top folder in the resources list, Document Resources.

  2. Click the Add button under the resources list and choose Folder.
  3. In the resulting Add Folder dialog box, type a name for the new folder and click OK.

You can add resources and more folders below this new folder object.

View where resources are allocated

In the resource list, click to select a resource, then click the Allocated To tab.

View resources allocated to an organization

In the resource list, click to select an organization, then click the Allocations tab.

Related Topics

Activity Resource Requirements

Overview Topics

Swimlanes and Resources

Resource Allocation and Acquisition