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Six Sigma Functionality in iGrafx

Cause and effect diagramming, Pareto chart, FMEA export, and prioritization matrix tools are built into iGrafx so you can easily capture and analyze data for managing error reduction in processes. In addition, iGrafx Process for Six Sigma provides these tools to optimize your process:

iGrafx supports FMEA with export of cause and effect diagram data with error rollup capability to a FMEA spreadsheet built into the application as a component of your iGrafx document. As a document component, the FMEA is dynamically linked to the diagram so that changes you make in one place appear in the other.

You can also export process diagram data to a prioritization matrix component of your document in iGrafx.

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Generate FMEA


See Also

DOE and Simulation Methodology

Create a Cause and Effect Diagram

Document Components

Generate FMEA