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Document Components

Document components include diagrams, scenarios, reports, and spreadsheets (sheets).



Create a component in an existing file from a template

  1. On the File menu, point to Insert Component and choose a component type.

  2. You could also right-click in the Document Components window, point to New, and choose a component type.

  3. In the New Component dialog box, type a name for the component.

  4. Click the Template button, choose a template, and click OK.

  5. Click OK. The new component from the template opens in the diagram space.

Delete a diagram component

In the iGrafx Document Components window, right-click the component and choose Delete.

Rename a diagram component

  1. In the iGrafx Document Components window, right-click the component and choose Rename.

  2. Type the name, then press the Enter key.

Related Topics

View Changes and Display FMEA Errors Ranking in Sheets

Sheet Components


See Also

Document Components Window Context Menu

The iGrafx Editor