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View Changes and Display FMEA Errors Ranking in Sheets



View changes made in the sheet component in the diagram

  1. Click a cell with data linked to (imported from) the diagram.

  2. Edit the cell.

  3. Click the small arrow to the right of the cell.

The diagram appears with changes made in the sheet.

Display the errors ranking in an FMEA

  1. Export an FMEA diagram (see Generate FMEA).

  2. In the FMEA sheet component, select a cell.

  3. On the Sheet menu, choose Format Cells.

  4. On the Link tab, click the Shape or Graphic option, then click the Other option and choose Cause and Effect Pareto Value from the drop-down list and click OK.

Refer to the FMEA Risk Priority Ranking Reference for ranking standards.

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