Home > Getting Started > Six Sigma Functionality in iGrafx > Control Process Flow with RapiDOE

Control Process Flow with RapiDOE


This functionality is only available in Process for Six Sigma and above.

Controlling the flow through RapiDOE requires a five step setup:

  1. Define the alternative paths within your process map.

  2. Insert a decision shape between the alternative paths.

  3. Define a custom type to enumerate the alternative paths.

  4. Create a scenario attribute to control transaction flow.

  5. Add the scenario attribute to the decision shape specifying which path should be taken during the experiment

Step 1: Define Alternative Paths

Map paths and enter the modeling data for each task. Paths are parallel or, in some cases, one path may be a subset of another path with some of the activities bypassed.

Although most processes define only two alternative paths, you can define any number of paths.

Step 2: Insert a Decision Shape

Insert a decision shape at the point where the alternative paths diverge. The outputs from the decision shape lead to each of the alternative paths.

Step 3: Define a Custom Type

For procedures to define and delete an attribute type, see Attributes.

A type is used within an attribute to define its range of values. For nearly all cases using RapiDOE, types are Sets of Members, but sometimes may be a Number type. A custom type for the scenario attribute that controls the process flow identifies alternative paths by name on the process map and through the RapiDOE dialog box.

For example, you create a type called Path with these values as members: North, South, East and West. Four alternative paths from the decision shape label connectors as North, South, East and West. In RapiDOE, when you select the associated scenario attribute as a factor, you can define the possible experiment values as either North, South, East and West.

Step 4: Create a Scenario Attribute

RapiDOE uses only scenario attributes, which appear as “S.name” where “name” is assigned by the user. They are available to all activities in all swimlanes and all processes.

For procedures to create, modify, and delete an attribute, see Attributes. Be sure to set the Location to Scenario.

Step 5: Add the Scenario Attribute to the Decision Shape

Steps 1 and 2 set up the process map from a visual perspective, and steps 3 and 4 set up the process model from a metric perspective. Step 5 brings the map and model together.

  1. Double-click the decision shape, click the Outputs page.

  2. On the Normal tab, select the Case Text field you created earlier.

  3. Click the Expression option and click the expressionbuildericon.bmp button.

  4. In the Expression Builder, click the PasteAttributeIcon.bmp button.

  5. Select an attribute, click the Scenario Location option, and click OK.

After completing these steps, you can select the attribute in the RapiDOE dialog and specify the settings for a DOE.

RapiDOE offers full factorial testing versus the common fractional factorial in an operational environment.

Related Topics

Path Analyzer

Fit Data

Modify Process Parameters with RapiDOE

Design and Run an Experiment with RapiDOE

Log Transactions

Export Report

Generate FMEA

See Also

DOE and Simulation Methodology