Home > Getting Started > Six Sigma Functionality in iGrafx > Modify Process Parameters with RapiDOE

Modify Process Parameters with RapiDOE


This functionality is only available in Process for Six Sigma and above.

In RapiDOE you can modify the values of certain process parameters. Some require additional setup to your model while others modify standard model metrics.

Use RapiDOE to define the number of resources available in a particular resource, the rate at which transactions enter your process, and attributes used to modify a model.

Process Parameter


Resource allocations

RapiDOE automatically reads your model’s resource allocations and enables them as experimentation factors through the RapiDOE dialog box. No additional setup is required.

Generator interarrival time

RapiDOE automatically reads your model’s interarrival generators and enables them as experimentation factors through the RapiDOE dialog box. No additional setup is required.

Scenario Attributes (that control Activity-level metrics)

Scenario attributes and custom types require setup, and are used in the diagrams. Anywhere an expression is allowed a Scenario attribute may be used.

You can see activity-level locations where attributes are used in the Properties dialog box:

Inputs page–Collect Transactions at Input by Expression and by Count

Resource page–Acquisition count

Attribute page–Define attributes

Task page (Step tab)–Duration and Cost

Outputs page–Flow decision criteria

Related Topics

Path Analyzer

Fit Data

Control Process Flow with RapiDOE

Design and Run an Experiment with RapiDOE

Log Transactions

Export Report

Generate FMEA


See Also

DOE and Simulation Methodology