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DOE and Simulation Methodology



This functionality is only available in Process for Six Sigma and above.


Creating a process map and model for use in Design of Experiments (DOE) is an iterative process. Since you can only map what you know, you can use the following methodology steps to map and model the process as you understand it and then implement control points that you can tune during DOE.

  1. Map and model your process

  2. a. Gather process data.

    b. Use Fit Data to improve accuracy in your model.

  3. Validate your process map and model against the AS-IS process

  4. a. Conduct simulations.

    b. Use Log Transactions to validate behavior.

    c. Compare report data with operational data.

  5. Prepare the map and model for RapiDOE

  6. a. Ensure the process flow contains alternatives. For example, ensure decision shapes use Scenario attribute expressions to control alternative paths.

    b. Modify the process parameters

    i. Identify activity level experimentation factors.

    ii. Create scenario attributes for use in activity expressions.

    iii. Insert scenario attributes in appropriate activity level expression.

    c. Ensure that methods to measure results exist

    i. Check if report element exists for the result in which you are interested.

    ii. Define custom statistics or scenario attributes for measured results if needed.

  7. Conduct Rapid Design Of Experiments (RapiDOE)

  8. a. Choose appropriate factors.

    i. Scenario attributes to control process flow and activities.

    ii. Resource counts.

    iii. Generator interarrival times.

    b. Choose appropriate results

    i. Transaction statistics.

    ii. Scenario attributes.

    iii. Custom statistics.

  9. Create the TO-BE process map and model

  10. a. Eliminate non-optimal path alternatives.

    b. Set scenario attributes in activity expressions with optimal values and test.

  11. Document and present your results.

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iGrafx Process for Six Sigma Methodology and Reference