Home > Value Stream Map Procedures and Reference

Value Stream Map Procedures and Reference


Open a Lean diagram type to become familiar with the default map and shape palette.

  1. On the File menu, point to New , browse the Value Stream Map category, choose Lean Value Stream Map, and click Create.

  2. In the Shape Palettes window, browse the VSM Standard and VSM All shape palettes.

You could also explore the palette with the Extended Value Stream Map diagram.

The built-in VSM diagram template starts the material flow inside the process with the first process step (with the potential for inventory created from the supplier) and the final production step before shipment to the customer. It also provides a sample information flow between the customer, supplier, and production control as well as schedule data passed between production control and the default steps in the process.

Default data items on the template are:

On the Lean menu, choose Value Stream Map Properties to add a Distance Line and modify the display of other data on the value stream map.

Related Topics

Lean Value Stream Flows

Lean Data Display and Accumulation

Lean Data Import and Export

Lean Data Reference


Overview Topics

Lean Value Stream Mapping

A Lean Six Sigma Methodology

See Also

Create a Lean Value Stream Map