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Lean Value Stream Flows



Create material flow

  1. Click the Process shape in the Shape Palettes window or the Toolbox toolbar.

  2. Press-hold-drag-release (click and drag) the mouse from the initial step toward the final production step to place the new step with push lines and inventory. If you have multiple Timelines, you may use the spacebar to change the Timeline being used.

  3. In the new shape, enter text. By default this is in the title area, or you may select the body of the shape and enter text.

You can map parallel material flow with multiple push lines into a process step to show appropriate merging of material flow on a Timeline.

Create information flow

  1. In the Toolbox toolbar, select a connector line tool such as Electronic Information Flow or Manual Information Flow.

  2. Follow the steps to create material flow.

Create a bend in a straight line.

  1. Right-click on the line, and choose Add Vertex.

  2. Move the X cursor to where you want a bend point vertex and click the left mouse button.

  3. Click and drag the new vertex (square) to the location you want.

Create arced flow around a diagram element

In Toolbox toolbar, select the Curved Line style connector line. After you place the line, use the control handles to modify the curve intensity and direction.

Add a supermarket with Kanban flow

  1. In the Shape Palettes window, click the supermarket shape and drop it between two process steps.

  2. Use the Kanban flow from the Line Library to create the withdrawal and production Kanban flows.

  3. Drop the Kanban production or withdrawal graphics from the VSM Standard palette in the Shape Palettes window onto the Kanban flow lines.

Related Topics

Value Stream Map Procedures and Reference


See Also

Create a Lean Value Stream Map