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Lean Data Display and Accumulation



Set up parallel flow rollup on Timeline

First, identify which shapes should not be on the Timeline, then select them and on the Lean toolbar click the Not Shown On Timeline button.

Or you may exclude them individually as follows:

  1. Right-click on a shape and choose Properties.

  2. In the Properties dialog box, expand the Show As drop-down list and choose Not Shown On Timeline.

Set which Timeline shapes use if there is more than one Timeline

  1. Select the shape(s) you want to change.

  2. Choose the desired Timeline using the Timeline Configuration drop-down menu in the Lean toolbar.

You may instead edit the Properties of each individual shape and indicate which Timeline it is using.

Make calculated data writable

  1. Double-click a shape.

  2. In the Properties dialog box - Lean Data page, click the data element heading.

  3. Select the Override Calculated Value check box.

Do not display information in the custom data block on the diagram

  1. Double-click a shape.

  2. In the Properties dialog box - Lean Data page, click a data element.

  3. Select the Override Custom Data Block Field Display check box and choose Hidden.

To always hide the field, clear all Custom Data Block options.

Override custom data block field display setting

Same as Do not display information procedure, above.

When you set up a calculated data element, you can select the If Calculated check box in the Custom Data Block Field Display section to always display the field.

If the data cannot be calculated, the data field and data do not display.

View formulas for calculated fields

  1. Double-click a shape.

  2. In the Properties dialog box - Lean data page, click the Setup button.

  3. In the Setup Custom Data dialog box, create or select a custom data element and choose a calculated Lean type, such as Production Time, and click OK.

  4. In the Properties dialog box, click the Name area of the calculated custom data element. The formula appears below the Lean type information.

See also Data Elements with Calculated Values.

Roll up Lean data from child maps (creating hierarchy)

There is more than one way to create hierarchy in a Lean VSM diagram:

  • Context (pop-up) Menu:

  1. Right-click a shape and choose Add VSM Diagram.

  2. Name the new VSM diagram.

  3. Decide whether to use the current diagram settings as a template, or uncheck the option and choose a template.

  4. Click OK; the new diagram is displayed.


  • Properties dialog box:

  1. Double-click a shape.

  2. In the Properties dialog box - Lean data page, change the data mode from Lean data to Rollup data.

  3. If the child map already exists in the document, select it from the list; otherwise click the New button to create a new child map, fill in the New Component dialog box (optionally choosing a template), and then click OK on all dialog boxes.

Rolled up Lean data automatically summarizes (rolls up) the data that is shown on the Timeline in the child map. If there is more than one Timeline, click the drop-down menu next to the Rollup Data to specify which Timeline to use. To roll up more data, add the data of interest to the chosen child map’s Timeline.

Related Topics

Value Stream Map Procedures and Reference


Overview Topics

VSM Rollup and Data Accumulation

See Also

Create a Lean Value Stream Map