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View Simulation Results

You view statistical results of the latest simulation run in the Report window. For more information about the Report window, see The Modeling and Simulation Environment.


The Report Window

The default view of report elements is tables. Try changing a report element from a table to a graph:

  1. Double-click the report element.

  2. In the Edit Report Element dialog box, click the Format tab.

  3. Choose Graph from the Display As drop-down list.

  4. Click the Graph Style button, then choose a graph style.

Four of the Report tabs (Time, Cost, Resource, and Queue) contain sets of commonly used statistics captured during simulation. You can copy and paste an existing report element or create a new report element from the Report menu to appear on the blank Custom tab.

Try adding a report element (table or graph) to the Custom tab by copying and pasting an existing report element, or creating a new report element using the Report menu. The Default button appears near the Report tabs when you change any of the default report elements. Click the Default button to reset report elements on the page to default settings.

The categories of statistics in the Report window are:

Report Tab

Contents and Description


Statistics that measure time during the simulation. Shows overall transaction times, and times categorized by swimlane, process, and activity.


Statistics about costs related to transactions, activities and resources.


Statistics related to resource utilization, resource time categorizations, and activity and resource costs.


Statistics collected when transactions waited for processing at activities due to resource, inputs collection, or other constraints.


May contain newly defined statistics, or statistics copied and pasted from any of the other pages

The statistics on each report page are further organized according to these categories:

Statistics Type



Accumulated for each transaction that completes processing


Accumulated for each resource used in the process


Accumulated for each activity in the process


Accumulated for each monitor defined in the process


Collected for each user-defined statistic

iGrafx categorizes basic statistics depending on whether they apply to transactions, resources, or activities. See Process Simulation Statistics Reference.

Report Results

iGrafx gathers basic statistics about process times, costs, resources, and waiting lines or queues. You can create your own custom statistics. The basic statistics are categorized depending on whether they apply to transactions, resources, or activities (see the table below).

For more information, see Process Simulation Statistics Reference.




Completion Count

Number of Workers (Count)

Cycle Time (Avg, Tot)

Cycle Time (Avg, Tot)

Utilization (Util.%)

Work Time (Avg, Tot)

Work Time (Avg, Tot)

Busy Time (Avg., Tot.)

Wait Time (Avg, Tot)

Wait Time (Avg, Tot)

Idle Time (Avg., Tot.)

Costs (VA, NVA, BVA)

Resource Wait Time (Avg, Tot)

Out Of Service Time (OOS)

# Trans.Wait (Tavg, Tot, Max)

Blocked Time (Avg, Tot)

Inactive Time (Avg, Tot)

# Trans. at Activity (Tavg, Max)

Inactive Time (Avg, Tot)

Overtime (OT)

# Transactions

Service Time (Avg, Tot)

Costs (Tot, Stdev, OT, Busy)


Costs (VA, NVA, Labor, Equip)



Place the cursor over a statistic heading in the report to view ToolTips that explain statistics in more detail. ToolTips do not explain summarizations like Min, Max, Average, and Total.

Related Topics

View Simulation Results

Common Default Report Statistics

The following tables describe the most common default report statistics.

Basic Transaction and Activity Time Statistics

Work Time

Time accumulated doing work (Task page duration)

Resource Wait Time

Time accumulated waiting to obtain a resource (Resources page)

Blocked Time

Time accumulated waiting in collection (Inputs page) and in delay (Task page)

Inactive Time

Time accumulated waiting for a resource that is inactive or out of schedule


Composite Transaction and Activity Time Statistics

Cycle Time

Blocked Time + Resource Wait Time + Inactive Time + Work Time

Service Time

Blocked Time + Resource Wait Time + Work Time

Wait Time

Blocked Time + Resource Wait Time + Inactive Time

Service Wait Time

Blocked Time + Resource Wait Time


Basic Resource Time Statistics

Busy Time

Paid time the resource is acquired, such as Active and Working (Task page Duration)

Idle Time

Paid time the resource is active and in schedule, but not busy

Out of Service

Paid or unpaid time the resource is scheduled to be active and also unavailable

Inactive Time

Remaining time when the resource is not scheduled to be available or Out of Service

Related Topics

Simulation Modeling Concepts

Process Efficiency Factors

Define Activity Behavior

Describe the Simulation Environment Through Scenarios

The Modeling and Simulation Environment

Execute a Simulation and Analyzing Results

See Also

Simulation Results

Process Simulation Statistics Reference