Home > Process Simulation Procedures > Simulation Results

Simulation Results


This functionality is available in iGrafx Process and above.

The results of a simulation run are compiled in a simulation report that contains a sampling of the statistics accumulated. A simulation report automatically appears upon successful completion of a simulation run. You can also access simulation reports from the Document Components window.



View simulation results

  1. In the Document Components window, select the All Components view.

  2. In the Reports list, double-click a report name.

Name simulation data

Use a simulation name to replace or delete existing simulation data in a report.

  1. On the Report menu, choose Simulation Data.

  2. In the Simulation Data dialog box, click a simulation name.

  3. Click the Name button and enter a new simulation name.

Delete simulation data from a report

  1. On the Report menu, click Simulation Data.

  2. In the Simulation Data dialog box, click a simulation name and click the Delete button.

You cannot undo this action.

Replace existing simulation data in a report

  1. On the Model toolbar, click the model_run_setup.bmptool, or on the Model menu, choose Run Setup.

  2. In the Run Setup dialog box, click the Initialization/Reports tab and select the Replace Simulation Run option.

  3. Click a simulation name and click OK.

    The selected simulation data is replaced on completion of the next simulation run.

Related Topics

Process Simulation Procedures

View Simulation Results

Process Simulation Statistics Reference