Home > Process Simulation Procedures

Process Simulation Procedures



Simulation features are available in iGrafx Process and above.

Simulations run in Run mode or Trace mode. Normally, you do not stop a simulation in run mode. However, some occasions such as errors in the model may cause the simulation to not terminate. In this case you may need to stop the simulation.

Run mode is the fastest simulation mode, but Trace mode is an interactive and displays activity status at each shape in the process as the simulation runs.

The Control menu appears when you run a simulation in Trace mode as explained in the procedures below.



Run a simulation in Run mode

On the Model toolbar, click the model_start.bmp tool, or on the Model menu, point to Run and choose Start.

Stop a simulation in Run Mode

On the Model toolbar, click the model_stop.bmp tool, or on the Model menu, point to Run and choose Stop.

Run a simulation in Trace mode

  1. On the Model toolbar, click the model_trace.bmp tool, or on the Model menu, point to Run and choose Trace.

  2. Click the model_start00001.bmp tool on the Trace toolbar.

The model stays in Trace mode until you set it to Run mode.

Clear Trace mode

On the Model toolbar, click the model_trace00002.bmptool, or on the Model menu, point to Run and choose Trace.

The Control menu, Trace toolbar, and Transactions window disappear.

Step through a simulation

Enter Trace mode and, on the Model menu, point to Run and choose Step.

Run the simulation up to a pause point

Enter Trace mode and, on the Model menu, point to Run and choose Go To Pause.

View transaction status and data in the Transactions window

Enter Trace mode and, on the View menu, choose Transactions.

Modify a transaction attribute in the Transactions window

In the Transactions window, double-click the cell you want to modify and change options and values in the Set Value dialog box.

On the Control menu, choose Set Attribute to change the value of an attribute while a simulation is paused.

View global attribute changes in the Attributes window

Enter Trace mode and, on the View menu, choose Attributes.

Related Topics

Trace Mode Colors and Pause Points

Randomized Simulation

Simulation Results

Report Elements

Custom Statistics

Run the Log Transactions Wizard