Home > Process Simulation Procedures > Trace Mode Colors and Pause Points

Trace Mode Colors and Pause Points

When you initiate a simulation run in Trace mode, the activity shapes in your model use colors to reflect the state of transactions at each activity.

A simulation runs for a specified period of time or until all transactions are processed. One or more pause points inserted into the process cause the simulation to pause at a specific activity so you can examine the state of a process at various points.

Pause points display in the Pause Points window and as indicators on activities in the process model. You can change the display of Pause Point indicators using the Format Diagram dialog box.



Change trace colors

On the Control Menu, choose Trace Colors and set colors for each state in the Trace Colors dialog box.

Set pause points

  1. Select an activity in your model.

  2. On the Control menu, choose Set Pause Point and select a Pause condition in the Set Pause Point dialog box.

Display the Pause Points window

On the View menu, choose Pause Points.

Manually pause a simulation

Click the model_pause.bmp tool on the View Trace toolbar.

Remove a pause point

  1. In the Pause Points window, select a pause point.

  2. On the Control menu, choose Delete Pause Point.

Remove all pause points

On the Control menu, choose Delete All Pause Points.

Resume a simulation after a pause

On the Trace toolbar, click the model_start00003.bmp tool, or on the Model menu, point to Run and choose Start.

Deactivate a pause point

  1. Select an activity in your model.

  2. On the Control menu, choose Set Pause Point and clear the Activate check box in the Set Pause Point dialog box.

A simulation does not pause at a deactivated pause point.

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Process Simulation Procedures