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About iGrafx Toolbars and Menus

Toolbars contain icons that provide quick access to a set of related tools, such as tools for formatting elements of the diagram on the Formatting toolbar.

Tool palettes offer a selection of colors or styles, such as the arrowhead styles on the Arrowheads tool palette.

In many instances, commands on menus have corresponding tools on toolbars. Optional menus appear depending on which diagram type you are using or iGrafx application you are running.


Many menu items are available when you right-click the object on which you want to use a command.


Use these procedures with any toolbar.



View hidden toolbars

On the View menu, choose Toolbars and select the toolbar check box to display it.

Create toolbars

  1. On the View menu, choose Toolbars and click New.

  2. Type a name for the new toolbar, and click OK.

Add or remove buttons on toolbars

  1. Click the Toolbar Options arrow at the end of the toolbar you want to change.

  2. Point to Add or Remove Buttons, then choose the name of the toolbar, such as Standard.

  3. Click the tool you want to add or remove. When the toolbar_object.bmp icon displays, the tool displays in the toolbar

Display toolbar button names

  1. On the View menu, choose Toolbars and select the Show ToolTips check box.

  2. Move the cursor over a toolbar button.

Toolbox Toolbar

The Toolbox toolbar provides the tools you are likely to use most.




Selects, moves, and resizes drawn elements. Also draws lines between shapes.


Opens the Swimlanes toolbar with choices to add and edit swimlanes.


Places shapes in a diagram and selects shape attributes and properties.

Click the arrow under the shapes to add or edit shapes in the Shape Library.


Connects shapes with connector lines. Click the arrow under the Connector Line tool to open the Connector Line Toolbar.


Enters and changes text. Not required for adding text to a selected shape.


Shows, hides, formats, and renumbers shape numbers.


Opens the Zoom Toolbar.


Shows or hides the iGrafx Explorer Bar.


Most iGrafx menus are persistent, but some only appear when you are working with a particular diagram type. These include the Lean menu for Lean value stream mapping, and the Model menu for diagram types that can be simulated. The Control menu only appears when you are in Trace mode.

You can access all menu commands using the keyboard (see Keyboard Shortcuts).

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Create a Map, Diagram, or Flowchart