Home > Process Behavior Procedures and Reference > Activity Resource Requirements > Specify Resource Attributes

Specify Resource Attributes

You can use Resource attributes to customize resource behavior. For example, you could set different skill levels for the same resource depending on the swimlane where it is used, or specify that a resource is only acquired under certain conditions such as a skill level >5. See Specify a Resource Acquisition Constraint for a complete procedure.

  1. On the Model toolbar, click the model_resources00002.bmp tool, or, on the Model menu, choose Resources.

  2. The Define Resources dialog box appears.

  3. In the resource list on the left, select a resource and click the Attribute Assignments tab.

  4. Specify an attribute (see Attribute Assignments tab). In these examples, if you have acquired a resource whose Skill is greater than 5, then Yes, else No:

    If (R.Skill.GT(5), Yes, No)

    If (R.Skill.GT(5)!=””, Yes, No)

    If (!IsEmpty(R.Skill.GT(5)), Yes, No)

Related Topics

Activity Resource Requirements

Overview Topics

Resource Acquisition Attributes


See Also

Process Behavior Reference