Home > Process Behavior Procedures and Reference > Activity Resource Requirements > Specify a Resource Acquisition Constraint

Specify a Resource Acquisition Constraint

The following example acquires a resource from the swimlane in which an activity resides only if it has a skill level greater than 5.

  1. On the Model menu, choose Attributes.

  2. In the Define Attributes dialog box, click to select a Location option, then click the Add button.

  3. In the Add New Attribute dialog box, name the attribute SkillLevel. Leave the Attribute Type set to Value and click OK to dismiss each dialog box.

  4. On the Model menu, choose Resources.

  5. In the Define Resources dialog box, select or add a resource.

  6. On the Attributes Assignments tab, click the Add button and choose Initialization.

  7. Ensure that Location is set to Resource.

  8. Set Name to SkillLevel, set Value to 2, and click OK.

  9. Repeat steps 5–8 with another resource and set SkillLevel to 5 in step 8.

  10. Allocate the resources to an organization that the acquiring activity is in, then double-click the activity in the diagram.

  11. In the Properties dialog box - Resources page, click the resourcesexpandviewbutton00008.bmp button, then click the expressionbuildericon.bmp in the Constraint control.

  12. In the Expression Builder, click the model_attributes.bmp button and paste the Resource attribute SkillLevel into the expression, then type “>3” and click OK.

Note that both R.x and ResId(), without any arguments, are evaluated in the context of each available resource.

Related Topics

Activity Resource Requirements

Overview Topics

Resource Acquisition Attributes