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Creating SAP Enterprise Objects

When using the Enterprise Modeler to synchronize with an SAP Solution Manager Blueprint Project, objects are created for your use in iGrafx. You can also create new objects in the SAP Blueprint hierarchy. This may be useful if you realize the Blueprint needs to be modified according to business needs, and want to manage Blueprint project structures from the iGrafx application instead of, or in conjunction with, the SAP Solution Manager, or if you do not have access to SAP Solution Manager. The project object must already be created in the repository from a synchronization with SAP Solution Manager, and the applicable logical components must have been defined in SAP Solution Manager for that project.

If you need to create your own objects, the procedures are generally the same as shown in the Creating Enterprise Objects topic, with some additional limitations and functionality for SAP. In particular, only certain types of SAP objects may be created, as outlined below.



The objects you create can be synchronized to Enterprise Modeler for reporting, and most will synchronize on to SAP Solution Manager for use there. iGrafx ensures correct-by-construction creation of objects, and the only other application you should use to create objects related to an SAP Blueprint project is SAP Solution Manager.


Creating and Modifying SAP Enterprise Objects

This section gives procedures for creating or modifying SAP Enterprise objects. These objects are created and modified without needing to check out an item from the repository.

Please note that SAP Organizational Unit, Logical Component, and End User Role (Resource type) objects should not be created nor modified. The list of SAP resources is created from Organizational Units, Logical Components, and End User Roles in the Blueprint project, and must be managed in SAP Solution Manager. In addition, Master Data is also created and edit in SAP Solution Manager and not in iGrafx.

For a Scenario, Process, or Process Step there is an ‘In Scope’ setting on the SAP Properties page (Summary/Purpose) to indicate whether the object is active in the SAP Solution Manager Blueprint Project. Checking the box indicates the object is in scope for the project. In addition, for Transactions, you can check a box in the Process Support page to indicate that the Transaction is in scope. This information is synchronized to Solution Manager. You may also create Shortcuts between SAP objects; see the section below on SAP Shortcuts for more information.

To create or modify (edit) SAP enterprise objects other than Resources:



Create a New SAP Scenario, Process, or Process Step 

(Create new SAP supporting process landscape objects)

Similar to generic enterprise objects (EOs), you have several methods for SAP Scenarios or Processes:

  • Drag-drop existing shapes onto a folder or process landscape type SEO.

  • Select existing shapes, right-click on the process landscape SEO, and choose New <object> from selected shapes.

  • Right-click on an SEO in the tree and choose New.

You may not use the drag-drop or right-click on shape method for Process Steps.

For the method when no shape exists, simply right-click in the Repository window on the SAP Enterprise Object (SEO) process landscape location to create the new Scenario, Process, or Process Step object and select New SAP object, where `object' is Scenario, Process, or Process step. Then fill in the appropriate fields, and click OK.

In more detail, the procedure is:

  1. In the Repository window, view the contents of the SAP folder that shows the SAP enterprise object you want to add to. For example, expand the Processes folder until you see a Scenario.

  2. Right-click on the SAP object where you want to add another SAP object, and choose the New SAP command with the type of object you want to create. For example, choose "New SAP Process".

  3. Type a name for the object. For example, "Processing Purchase Requisitions".

  4. Indicate whether the object is 'in scope' for the project or not. In Scope means it is an active part of the Blueprint project in SAP Solution Manager.

  5. Process Step Only: For a new SAP Process Step (Activity), indicate the Logical Component (Resource) that the Process Step is associated with. For example, you might choose "SAP R/3 Enterprise".

  6. Optional: Type a summary for the object.

  7. Click OK, to save and close the `Add Item' dialog box and create your SEO.

Create a New SAP Transaction 

(Operation Enterprise Object)

Right-click in the Repository window on an SAP Interface and choose New SAP Transaction, fill in appropriate fields (e.g. Name and Tcode), and click OK.

In more detail, the procedure is:

  1. In the Repository window, view the contents of an Interface in the SAP folder in the Interfaces folder in the repository.

  2. Right-click on the Interface where you want to add another Transaction, and choose the New SAP Transaction command.

  3. Enter a Tcode (Transaction Code used by SAP) to indicate which transaction this represents. If you do not know the SAP Tcode, you can type placeholder text; for example “Create Custom Invoice”.

  4. Optional: Type a name for the object. For example, "Create Custom Invoice".

  5. Optional: Indicate whether or not the object is a 'custom transaction' (a new transaction not already available in SAP). This is not used in SAP, though it can help you in your modeling.

  6. Optional: Type a summary for the Transaction.

  7. Click OK, to save and close the `Add Item' dialog box and create your enterprise object.

Note: If the Tcode matches a Transaction Code in SAP, then after synchronization the Name is replaced with the actual name in SAP. If the Tcode does not match, the name will change to “<Name not found>” to help indicate an existing Tcode was not found in SAP.

Delete an SAP Enterprise Object

  1. Select the SEO you want to delete.

  2. From the Repositories menu, choose Item, and then Delete From Repository.

  3. If you are sure you want to delete the item, click OK. Please note that the deletion is an action that does not provide an ‘Undo’ action.

Rename an SAP Enterprise Object

  1. Select the object you want to rename.

  2. From the Repositoriesmenu, choose Item, and then Rename.

  3. Type the new name

  4. Click OK.

Modify (Edit) an SAP Enterprise Object

Right-click the SAP Enterprise Object (SEO) and choose Properties, edit the properties you wish to change, and click OK or Apply.

In more detail, the procedure is:

  1. Expand the SAP enterprise object type folder and objects in the Repository window until you see the SAP enterprise object you want to modify. For example, expand the Processes folder until you see the process you want to modify.

  2. Right-click on the SAP enterprise object and choose Properties (or double-click the object).

  3. In the Properties dialog box, click the page to modify, and change the data. For example, click the SAP Properties page of a Process, and change the Summary text.

  4. Click OK (or Apply to leave the dialog up and make more changes to this object, or click another object).

Note: If you are modifying a Transaction, and the Name, Tcode, and Logical Component match what is in SAP Solution Manager, these fields may not be editable.

Note: If you modify the Logical Component referenced by a Process Step, and Transactions are associated with it, you will delete all references to the Transactions. iGrafx will warn you about this before proceeding to make the change.

Note: Information on using the Properties dialog box to create relationships from an SEO is given in the Creating Relationships From SAP Enterprise Objects topic.


SAP Shortcuts

It is an SAP best practice to use shortcuts for objects to indicate re-use in different contexts, rather than copying and then maintaining multiple “original” objects. Shortcuts are used by SAP Solution Manager, in the hierarchy of the Blueprint created from the Business Process Repository (BPR). The hierarchy may be defined to show where Process Steps are re-used in different processes, or in different process variations. Shortcuts also allow grouping and other organizational conveniences within the Blueprint.

Using iGrafx Enterprise Object shortcuts, you may define process variants and other grouping in SAP Blueprint Projects:

Please see examples on process variation and as-is/to-be modeling in the Enterprise Object Shortcuts topic, as they apply to using Shortcuts in an SAP Project.

In addition, another use of SAP shortcuts is to group all the Process Steps referencing Custom Transactions under a new SAP Scenario. The SAP implementation team can then see at a glance what custom development is needed, and use the shortcut to jump to the original object if they want to see from what point in the BPR standard it deviates.

Note that you may create and edit shortcuts in Solution Manager, though it supports some features that iGrafx does not currently provide: Swapping shortcut and original object, copy/pasting of shortcuts, and creation of shortcuts to Resource SAP Enterprise Objects (SEO’s) such as Master Data and Organizational Units. Shortcuts between projects will work only after any referenced projects have been synchronized to the iGrafx repository. In addition, performing operations like disbanding in Solution Manager may have limited support when synchronizing to iGrafx. We encourage you to limit such actions in Solution Manager as much as possible, and to perform the action in iGrafx if it is available.

To see procedures for creating a new Shortcut to an SAP object, or to create a new SAP object from a Shortcut (by disbanding the Shortcut), please see the procedures in the Enterprise Object Shortcuts topic.


Related Topics

Describing SAP Enterprise Objects

Enterprise Object Shortcuts


See Also

SAP Enterprise Objects Relationships Reference