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Creating Enterprise Objects

With iGrafx, you can create objects to model your enterprise (see the Enterprise Objects in the Repository topic for more information). The sections below detail how to create enterprise objects.


Features in this section and subsections require the iGrafx Architecture Platform Extension and an Architect license. See Enterprise Objects Overview for an overview and definition of the enterprise objects that can be created from desktop applications.

In addition, if you want to create enterprise objects, you must have permission to be able to create and view these objects.


Creating and Modifying Enterprise Objects

The table below describes how to create or modify (edit) enterprise objects.



Create any New Enterprise Object

Right-click in the Repository window on the enterprise object location to create the new object and select New 'object', where ‘object’ is the type of object you want to create. Then give the object a name and, optionally, a summary, and click OK.

In more detail, the procedure is:

  1. In the Repository window, view the folder or object that shows the enterprise object you want to add to. For example, expand the Strategies folder and any Strategies and Goals existing until you see where you want to add the object.

  2. Right-click on the object or folder where you want to add the object, and choose the New command with the type of object you want to create. For example, choose “New Strategy”.

  3. Type a name for the object. For example, “Satisfy Customers”.

  4. Specify additional information for those objects that require it:
  • For Requirement and Resource objects, specify a type value.
  • For Risk Template objects, specify alternate Min, Max, and threshold values, if necessary.
  1. Click OK, to save and close the Add Item dialog box and create your enterprise object.

Create any new Enterprise Object except Risk Template

There are the following methods to quickly create a new EO other than a Risk Template:

Use drag-and-drop to create the EO and Describes relationship:

  1. Select one or more shapes that have labels and do not already describe an EO.

  2. Drag-and-drop the shapes into the Repository window, on top of the EO or folder where you wish to create objects.

  3. If prompted, choose what type of object (e.g. a Process or Activity) to create.


Use right-click for selected shapes:

  1. Select one or more shapes that have labels and do not already describe an EO.

  2. Right-click on an EO in the Repository window, and choose New <EO> from Selected Shape(s) for the type of EO you want to create.

Create a New Folder that Contains Enterprise Objects

  1. Right-click on the enterprise object type (e.g. Strategies) or folder that you want to create a folder under, and choose New Folder.

  2. Type the folder name.

  3. Click OK.

Delete an Enterprise Object

  1. Select the object you want to delete.

  2. From the Repositories menu, choose Item, and then Delete From Repository.

  3. If you are sure you want to delete the item, click OK. Please note that the deletion is an action for which there is no Undo action.

Rename an Enterprise Object

  1. Select the object you want to rename.

  2. From the Repositories menu, choose Item, and then Rename.

  3. Type the new name

  4. Click OK.

Modify (Edit) an Enterprise Object

Right-click the enterprise object and choose Properties, edit the properties you wish to change, and click OK or Apply.

In more detail, the procedure is

  1. Expand the enterprise object type folder and objects in the Repository window until you see the enterprise object you want to modify. For example, expand the Strategies folder until you see the Strategy you want to modify.

  2. Right-click on the enterprise object and choose Properties (or double-click the object).

  3. In the resulting Item Properties dialog box, click the page to modify, and change the data. For example, click the Documentation page, click the Summary/Purpose(/Type) tab, and change the Summary and Purpose.

  4. Click OK (or Apply, to leave the dialog box open and make more changes to this object, or click another object).

Note: Information on using the Item Properties dialog box to create relationships to other enterprise objects is given in the Using Enterprise Objects section.


Enterprise Object Shortcuts

An Enterprise Object (EO) shortcut simply links to, or references, the actual, original EO. Some benefits of EO shortcuts:

For example, a standard product ordering process has been defined as a list of Process Steps, which are Activity type Enterprise Objects. There is a variant of the process that applies to international orders. Almost all the process steps are the same, with exception of a small number that are unique. Using shortcuts from the international order process to the standard order process, for those steps common to both processes, allows changes made to the standard order process to be automatically applied to the international order process.

You can also take advantage of shortcuts to create "to-be" scenarios that refer back to the original, or "as-is" reference scenario. Changes in the to-be scenario are created by "disbanding" the shortcut from the as-is object (changing from a shortcut to an actual object) so that new objects don’t have to be created separately. Describing shapes in diagrams will be updated automatically to describe the new object so that you don’t have to manage change in multiple places.



Create a New Shortcut to an Enterprise Object

Right-click in the Repository window on the enterprise object location where you want to create the new shortcut and select New shortcut(s). In the resulting Add Item dialog box, select the check box next to each item you want a shortcut to reference. Click OK.

Create a New Enterprise Object from a Shortcut

Right-click on the Shortcut and choose Disband shortcut. If the shortcut is to an object that has child objects, decide whether to have shortcuts to children objects or to make copies. Click OK.


Related Topics

Using Enterprise Objects

Synchronized Objects Reference


See Also

Enterprise Modeling Concepts