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iGrafx Security Rights Management

The iGrafx platform includes a security model that uses rights, roles, and permissions to determine what a user can do in a repository. Individuals and groups can act on items at the repository root level or at the item level, based on their assigned rights and permissions.

A user with the rights to change groups, roles, policies, and rights for the repository can change assignments for individuals or groups of users. A change to the special group called EVERYBODY assigns the change to all users with access to the database.

While the security rights model allows assignment of rights to a large number of users simultaneously, you can also restrict individual users from inheriting the rights of a group at the repository level. For example, user Cathy is denied the repository right Edit Approval Groups. On the Repositories menu, the user who changed Cathy’s right pointed to Item and chose Rights, then set the check box to a red “x” to deny Cathy that right. However, Cathy is a member of the group Champions, and that group has the Edit Approval Groups permission. Normally, Cathy would inherit the Edit Approval Groups right from her Champions group membership, but she has been specifically denied that right, so she is excluded.

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See Also

Assign Roles and Permissions