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Assign Roles and Permissions

Individuals and groups with access to the database are assigned roles that carry specific permissions. Initially, all users are assigned a default role for a new item. If you add an item to a repository, you are the owner and you have Administer rights for that item. Changing rights and permissions on an item you did not create requires Administer rights for the item. If a user with Administer rights changes the rights on the parent item, users inherit the permissions from the parent item.

The role assigned to you or your group at the repository root carries through all items in the repository unless the role is changed in the Rights dialog box at the item level.

Repository Item Permissions Tab

Right-click an item or the repository in the Repository window and choose Rights to open a browser window with the selected item's Permissions tab open in the repository.



Change permissions for a role

  1. In the Rights dialog box, click the Roles button. A browser window opens with the selected item's Permissions tab open in the repository.

  2. Click the check boxes to add, change, or delete permissions and roles as needed in the Roles dialog box.

The check boxes in the Rights, Roles, and Permissions dialog boxes toggle through settings with each click.

Assign a role to one or more users

  1. In the Rights dialog box, select a user or hold the Ctrl key and click to select multiple users.

  2. In the Roles column, expand the drop-down list for a name, and select a role. If you have selected more than one user, the role you select applies to all selected users.

Assign different roles to users in a Windows group

  1. In the Rights dialog box, click the plus sign next to a Windows group that contains users you want to assign a different role.

  2. If a user is part of a Windows group and has individually assigned rights, that user’s name still appears in the Users dialog box when you click the plus sign next to the Windows group in the Rights dialog box to assign individual rights.

  3. In the Users dialog box, select the check box next to individuals in the group whose roles you want to change.

After you click OK, the user names you selected in the Users dialog box appear in the Rights dialog box, and you can assign different roles to them individually. If you no longer want to have separate rights for the user, set their role to ‘Inherited,’ or ‘Default’ if you are setting rights at the root of the repository.

Deny permission

  1. In the Rights dialog box, select a user or hold the Ctrl key and click to select multiple users.

  2. In the Roles column, expand the drop-down list for a name, and choose the Denied role. If you have selected more than one user, the role you select applies to all selected users.

If you are a member of a group that has a specific permission, such as Delete, you have that repository right unless your individually assigned role denies it. For example, you could be restricted from modifying an item if your default or inherited role carries the Modify permission but the role you have been assigned for the item denies the Modify permission.

Related Topics

Collaboration Procedures and Reference

Permissions Reference

Overview Topics
