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Permissions Reference

For a specific repository item, permissions give a specific user the ability to do something.


Ability to...


See items in the tree and queries. If you do not have View permissions on a folder in the tree, you cannot see the folder, even if you have view permissions for some items within the folder.


Add annotations to an item and edit your own annotations.


Publish or print an item created using iGrafx.

See Unapproved

See and retrieve unapproved versions of an item. If you do not have this permission, you cannot see items that do not have any approved versions. If you have See History rights, you can only see previously approved versions.

See History

See (and retrieve from) the history of an item. Depending on the See Unapproved permission, the history shows only approved versions, or all versions. This permission also enables the View Labeled Version command.


Check out and check in documents, diagrams, and components. Does not apply to folders. Also:

  • Delete other users’ annotations.

  • Apply for approval for the item.

  • Modify project status for items owned by the user.

If a user’s modify rights are revoked while an item is checked out, the user can choose the Undo Check Out command, but cannot check in the item.


Create new items. For folders, create permissions are needed to:

  • Add any new items to the folder.

  • Move any items into the folder.

For all items, create permissions are necessary to move the item.


Delete an item from the repository. Required for moving an item from a folder.


Rename an item in the repository.

Set Reviewers

Add, change, or delete users in review cycles.

Set Approvers

Add, change, or delete users in Approval cycles.

Set Endorsers

Add, change, or delete users in endorsement cycles.

Modify Status

Change project status parameters in the Repository Item Properties dialog box - Project Status tab for an item you do not own.


  • Change rights.

  • Transfer item ownership.

  • Cancel pending approval applications.

  • Undo check out for items not checked out by you.

Related Topics

Assign Roles and Permissions