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Scenarios and the Scenario Window

When you run a simulation, the information in the process map is combined with the information in the scenario to create the simulation environment. View and edit the following scenario information in the Scenario window:



Run Setup

Defines when simulations start and stop, directs how often to collect statistics and where to report them, and identifies any snapshots.


Defines generators that introduce transactions into a process at defined starting points.


Defines any resources used by activities in the model.


Defines schedules, events, days, and hours for the model. Resources, generators, and activities may be on schedules to control when processing occurs.


Defines the initialization of any global attributes in the model.


Identifies any functions that are used by the model.


Defines any monitors that are placed in the model to collect statistics.

You can define multiple scenarios for a single process model. The run setup, generators, resources, schedules, initialization, function definitions, and monitoring information apply only to a single scenario.

Multiple scenarios save time when you make changes to scenario data between simulation runs. Use two or more scenarios to easily compare different simulation results.

Related Topics

Run Setup

Resources and Resource Types

Schedules, Composite Schedules, and Overtime


See Also

Describe the Simulation Environment Through Scenarios