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Run Setup 

Run Setup controls the simulation calendar time, directs where to store simulation results, and defines snapshots (one or more defined times when data accumulation in the report occurs).

Snapshots are reports of simulation data at intermediate points during the simulation run. You can define snapshots for specific points in time or upon the occurrence of specific events. By default, snapshots capture data at the end of simulation.

Before each simulation run, you can specify to create a new report, append data to an existing report, or overwrite an existing report.

iGrafx uses random number generators that use sequences to create different values and events that occur in the process. If the sequence number is the same, you can make exact comparisons across simulations. For example, a transaction follows the same path as it did in previous simulations.

If you are only processing a small number of transactions, you can run multiple simulations with different sequences to increase your sampling size so that results are not skewed by a small sample.

Related Topics

Scenarios and the Scenario Window

Schedules, Composite Schedules, and Overtime


See Also

Describe the Simulation Environment Through Scenarios