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Simulation Run Setup

The following procedures use the Run Setup dialog box. On the Model toolbar, click the model_run_setup.bmp tool, or on the Model, menu, choose Run Setup.


Snapshots gather a lot of data that can result in large files.



Set up simulation time

  1. In the Run Setup dialog box, click the Simulation Time tab.

  2. Select Compressed or Calendar for the simulation time.

    • For calendar time simulations, select a default schedule and start time, then select Standard or Custom time conversion units.

  3. Select a Simulation End setting and enter any changes to the time conversion units.

  4. In the Warmup Time section, set a custom warmup period, or leave the setting as None.

Set up the reports

  1. In the Run Setup dialog box, click the Initialization/Reports tab.

  2. Select an option in the Reports section.

  3. Enter an Active Limit or accept the default of 5000.

  4. Enter a new Sequence value (for randomness only).

Define a snapshot

  1. In the Run Setup dialog box, click the Snapshots tab.

  2. Select Scheduled Event or Specific Time.

  • For Specific Time, click the Add button, specify a time in the Set Snapshot Time dialog box, and click OK.

  • For Scheduled Event, select an event.

Modify a snapshot

  1. In the Run Setup dialog box, click the Snapshots tab.

  2. Select Scheduled Event or Specific Time.

  • For Specific Time, click the Modify button, change the time in the Set Snapshot Time dialog box, and click OK.

  • For Scheduled Event, select an new event.

Delete a snapshot

  1. In the Run Setup dialog box, click the Snapshots tab.

  2. Select Specific Time.

  3. Select a snapshot name and click the Delete button.

Run Setup Simulation Time Examples

Simulation time defines when the simulation run begins and ends, and what calendars apply.

Control Setting


Compressed Time

If an activity takes 10 hours, one transaction completes in 10 hours. In compressed time, the simulator compresses time into only active simulating time.

Calendar Time

If an activity takes 10 hours, and the resources are active for only 8 hours a day, one transaction completes in 26 hours (8 hours active + 16 hours out of schedule + 2 hours active).

Simulation End, Transactions Complete

Measure the time it takes an individual transaction to run through the process, such as how long it takes to introduce a new product to the market or the average time to manufacture a printed circuit board.

Simulation End, Custom

If the run takes one year, some work is likely in progress at the end of the year meaning some transactions may not finish processing.

A custom end time helps you analyze resources during a period of time in which many actions are occurring.

For more information, see Run Setup dialog box- Simulation Time tab.

Related Topics

Simulation Environment Procedures

Run Setup Section: Set simulation timing and how the results of simĀ­ulation are placed in a report


Overview Topics

Run Setup

Run Setup Simulation Time Examples

Scenarios and the Scenario Window