Home > Simulation Environment Procedures > Scenarios


When you create a new document from a Process or BPMN template, it has a default scenario. Subsequently created scenarios are copies of the default scenario.



View the Scenario window

In the Document Components window, double-click a scenario name.

Create a new scenario

  1. Right-click in the Document Components window.

  2. Point to New and choose Scenario.

  3. In the New Component dialog box, type a scenario name or accept the name provided.

Copy and paste a scenario to create a new scenario

  1. In the Document Components window, right-click a scenario name and choose Copy.

  2. Right-click In the Document Components window and choose Paste.

To copy scenarios between models, perform the copy steps on the first model, open or view the file for the second model, and perform the paste steps.

Rename a scenario

In the Document Components window, right-click a scenario name and choose Rename.

Delete a scenario

In the Document Components window, right-click a scenario name and choose Delete.

You cannot delete the last remaining scenario from a document that contains a process or BPMN diagram.

Related Topics

Simulation Environment Procedures

Describe the Simulation Environment Through Scenarios

The Modeling and Simulation Environment


Overview Topics

Scenarios and the Scenario Window