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Merge Models

You can import and export resources and their properties between models that may or may not be stored in an iGrafx repository. The Export function creates a *.igxml file of all resource data from the current model. You specify this *.igxml file when you want to import the extracted model data into another model.

You can also link a resource model to a resource model in the repository. For information, see Enterprise Resource Links and Updates.

  1. On the Model toolbar, click the model_resources00004.bmp tool or, on the Model menu, choose Resources.

  2. The Define Resources dialog box appears.

  3. Choose a task in the table below and follow the corresponding procedure.



Export resources and properties to another model

  1. Click the Export button.

  2. Choose where you want to create the *.igxml file and click OK.

Import resources or resource types and properties from another model

  1. Click the Import button.

  2. Choose the *.igxml file you want to import and click OK.

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Activity Resource Requirements