Home > Process Behavior Procedures and Reference > Activity Resource Requirements > Add, Rename, and Delete Resources and Resource Types

Add, Rename, and Delete Resources and Resource Types

You cannot delete a resource from a model if the resource is acquired at any activity. You must remove the resource from all activities before you can delete it from your model. (The Person resource type is built-in and cannot be deleted.) See Where Used to find occurrences of where a resource is used.

  1. On the Model toolbar, click the model_resources.bmp tool or, on the Model menu, choose Resources.

  2. The Define Resources dialog box appears.

  3. Choose a task below and follow the corresponding procedure.



Add a resource type

  1. In the resource tree on the left, click a resource. Then, select the Properties tab on the right, if necessary.

  2. Click the button at the right of the Resource Type drop-down list. The Define Resource Types dialog box appears.

  3. In the Define Resource Types dialog box, click a resource type in the tree at the left, then click the Add button. A new resource type appears beneath the one you selected.

  4. Overtype the default name of the new resource type with a more descriptive name, then press the Enter key to accept the new name.

  5. Optionally, click the Properties tab and enter Summary and Purpose information to describe the use of this resource type.

Add a resource

  1. In the resource tree on the left, click the folder, organization, or resource that you want to create the new resource under—the parent resource.

  2. Click the Add button. The Add Resource dialog box appears.

  3. Type a name for the new resource in the Name box. Select a Resource Type value from the drop-down list, if necessary. Optionally, type some Summary text to describe the new resource.

  4. Click OK.

Copy a resource

  1. Right-click a resource and choose Copy.

  2. Right-click the resource type where you want to copy the resource and choose Paste.

Move a resource
  1. Right-click a resource and choose Move. The Choose Resource dialog box appears.

  2. Click the folder, organization, or resource that you want to move the resource under and click OK.

Rename a resource or resource type

  1. Select the item and click the Rename button.

  2. Type the new name and press the Enter key.

Change resource type

  1. In the resource tree on the left, click a resource. Then, select the Properties tab on the right, if necessary.

  2. In the Resource Type drop-down list, select a new resource type.

Delete a resource

Select a resource, then click the Delete button. You cannot delete the required Person resource.

Related Topics

Activity Resource Requirements

Overview Topics

Resources and Resource Types