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Activity Attributes

Activity attributes can differentiate activities by custom properties like the count of a particular type of transaction that has passed through the activity during simulation.

The default value for an activity attribute is 0, but you can initialize per-activity values. To initialize an activity attribute, add custom data of the same name as the activity attribute (see Add custom data in Manage Custom Data Element Definitions). Then on any activity, you can use the Properties dialog box - Custom Data page to assign a static value to that Custom Data name.

When simulation starts, the initial value for the activity attribute is set to the static Custom Data value on that activity. During simulation, attribute assignments might modify the value of that activity attribute, but the static Custom Data assignment for that activity is unaffected.

You can also assign values at any point in the life cycle of a transaction flowing through an activity using the Properties dialog box - Attributes page or when any resource is acquired or released using the Define Resource dialog box - Attributes tab.

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