Home > Process Behavior Procedures and Reference > Activity Resource Requirements > Acquire and Release a Resource

Acquire and Release a Resource

You can acquire a resource at one step (activity) and hold it for use with a transaction as it moves through the process, then release it at a later step.

  1. Double-click the activity at which you want to acquire a resource.

  2. In the Properties dialog box, click the Resources page.

  3. From the Action drop-down list, choose Acquire.

  4. Set other resource properties.

  5. Click the activity at which you want to release the resource.

  6. In the Properties dialog box - Resources page, from the Action drop-down list, choose Release.

  7. Set other resource properties and click OK.

You may want to remove the default resource specified on interim steps if you do not need additional resources beyond what was acquired in this step.

Related Topics

Activity Resource Requirements


Overview Topics

Resource Actions